Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The next meeting of 517 Playwrights will be Sunday March 1, 2009 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at the Northside Branch of the Lexington Pulic Library. You do not need to be a playwright to attend; you only need to be interested in encouraging new play development. If you are a playwright-- whether you've come to our meetings before or not-- feel free to bring a play you're working on and we'll read it and give you feedback. The goal is to be supportive of others like ourselves who are working hard to develop new works for the theatre.


Speaking of new play development: the play contest is booming. So far we have received well over 50 submissions. We will cut off submissions at 100 for this year's contest. So if you haven't already submitted do so soon. Presently we are receiving scripts at a rate of one or two a day. That rate is rather like a trickle-- but a trickle of water can fill a sink pretty fast. And a trickle of plays can end a contest's submission period long before it is set to officially end. Don't lose out on your chance for your 10 minute play to be considered for this year's contest!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The play contest is really going well: less than a month into the submission period we have received almost half of the submissions. At this rate we might very well reach 100 submissions by the end of March. So please get your submission in ASAP.

The next meeting of 517 Playwrights is scheduled for March 1, 2009. Anyone who wishes to may attend the meeting at the Northside branch of the Lexington Public Library. Bring a play you would like to have read. Not finished? Get busy! Time is a wasting.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Submissions have been coming in at a steady rate. But recently I have received two submissions that have not had anything in the subject line. I don't know about you, but this always raises alarms with me because much of the spam I receive has no subject in the subject line, and I hate spam. SO IF YOU WANT YOUR SUBMISSION TO BE READ INSTEAD OF DELETED AS SPAM please list "2009 play contest," "play submission" or something similar in the SUBJECT line. Thank you for understanding.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Keep those plays coming

Keep those plays coming. As is so often true with contests (plays or otherwise) we were slammed with a huge response at first. But once the first two days passed the response has slowed.

Now, I'm generally receiving one maybe two submissions a day. Even at that slow pace though we will have received 100 submissions long before the July 31 closing date. So don't wait. Submit today!

We're a small group reading a judging 100 submissions will be quite a challenge for us. But we do hope that your play will be among the 100. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Next New Plays Readings

517 Playwrights will meet at the Northside Branch of the Lexington Public Library on Sunday March 1st, 2009 to read new plays. The meeting will run from 2:00 - 5:00 pm in the small meeting room. The Northside Branch is located on Russell Cave Road about a mile north of New Circle Road. Come join us!

PS. Those who attended the last meeting may recognize that I have had to CHANGE the meeting DATE, but I have not changed either the time or place.

Monday, February 2, 2009

10 Minute Play Contest Update

Less than two days into the acceptance period for our first play contest 517 Playwrights have received 26 entries! Of those received 1 has come from Manchester, UK; 2 from Canada; 7 from KY; 3 from NY; 2 each from GA, IL, NH and OH; 1 each from CA, MT, MA. One was sent without contact information, which could present a problem later on.

Keep those entries coming. We will only accept (and judge) the first 100 entries received. Still, we have a long way to go before we reach 100. So it's not too late to get busy, finish up that 10 minute play you've been working on and e-mail it to before July 31, 2009. Good luck.