Monday, May 30, 2011

Ooops! (Wrong Date)

Ooops! I didn't notice until today but I posted the wrong day for our next meeting. The next meeting of Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. will be held on Sunday June 12th in Louisville, KY, from 2-5 pm at the Highlands Kroger on Bardstown Road. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Update About KPW

Despite-- or perhaps because of-- a lack of posting on this blog Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. is busy. The meeting last week in Berea, at the Tourism Commission office, involved reading and discussing two short plays and a short scene from a third. Additionally, we gained yet another member which brings us, I believe, to 17 members.

Upcoming meetings will be in Louisville on June 10th and in Lexington August 14th and September 11th. The Louisville meetings will be held at the Highland Krogers on Bardstown Road. The Lexington meetings will be held at Common Grounds Coffee House. All meetings begin at 2:00 pm and are open to the public.

The September meeting will be the organization's Annual Membership meeting when members of the Board of Directors are selected and we will discuss a meeting locations and schedule for the coming programmatic year (September 1 through August 31).

Beginning next fall KPW hopes to begin sponsoring or co-sponsoring classes in playwriting. First up will likely be a course on writing either the solo performance piece or the one minute play. As more information becomes available it will be posted here on the blog and/or discussed at meetings. Suggestions of other playwriting topics may be sent to