Tuesday, November 15, 2011

KPW New Play Contest Announced

The Kentucky Playwrights Workshop is holding a KPW New Play Contest. Deadline for submissions is midnight February 15, 2012. Up to seven new plays will be selected for a community reading in June of 2012 as a part of the Second Friday program at Berea Arts Council. In September 2012 a staged reading of the winning plays will be produced at Berea Arena Theater.

Any Kentucky Playwright Workshop(KPW) member is eligible to submit one ten-minute play. Any Kentucky resident or student attending a Kentucky college may become a member by including a $10 check, made out to KPW, with their submission.

According to contest coordinator, Trish Ayers, "One of the primary reasons for holding the contest is so that we can attract new members. Consequently, we are seeking outside judges and have arranged for public readings of the winning plays."

KPW New Play Contest Rules, 2012

1. Each member may submit one new ten-minute play with two to four characters which has not been published or fully staged. The entry should be emailed or postmarked by February 15, 2012. Each submission should include:
a. A cover page attached with a paper clip to the script which includes title of play, playwright name and contact information. Electronic submissions include this as a separate attachment.
b. One page with character descriptions
c. Maximum of ten pages of dialogue in standard play submission format (12 pt. Courier) the title of the play included on each page.
d. The title of the play included on each page of dialogue
e. Page numbers on each page of dialogue with the exception of the first page.
f. Only include name and contact information on cover page
2. Electronic or postal submissions will be accepted
a. Please submit electronic submissions in PDF or Microsoft Word to: ky.playwright@yahoo.com
b. Please submit postal submissions to: KPW, PO Box 5522, Lexington, KY 4055
3. Scripts will not be returned
4. Submissions that do not follow these rules will not be considered.
5. Decisions of the judges are final.