Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Here's wishing one and all a Happy New Year.

The year just ending has been a good one for Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. We have done the heavy lifting of preparing bylaws, preparing a policy manual and otherwise doing the paperwork to become a 501(c)3 nonprofit recognized by the IRS. We elected our first Board of Directors: Bill McCann, Jr. president, James Brown, treasurer and Shan Ayers, secretary. We've held meetings in both Lexingtona and Louisville. We've grown to 14 members. And we held our second international 10-minute play contest.

There have been some disappointments as well, most notably that we had to postpone the Kentucky Festival of New Plays because, unfortunately, the facility we were to have held the festival was not yet ready.

On the plus side 2011 is already shaping up to be a good year: at some point the IRS will-- after working with us to make sure everything is good to go-- approve our application for nonprofit status. We will have our first public staged reading of member plays on February 2-3 2011 at the Lexington Public Library's theatre. We will continue to grow our membership. And hopefully the Bards Town's theatre will be up and running in time for us to produce the festival in April.

Our next meeting will be January 23, 2011 at Common Grounds Coffee House in Lexington from 2-5 pm. Please join us. Meetings are open to the public. We will read the one act and full-length plays of members. Anyone who attends may bring a 10-minute or shorter work that we may read as time allows.

Membership in KPW is open to any Kentuckian interested in the deveklopment of new works for the stage. Dues are $10 per year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2011 Events and Meetings

The new year will start with a flurry of activities.

Our first meetings will be held on January 23 and February 13th at Common Grounds Coffee House in Lexington, KY. As usual the meeting will be held from 2-5 pm for the purpose of reading the full-length or one act plays of members. Additionally, anyone who wishes to may bring a 10-minute or shorter work and those will be read as time allows.

Meetings and memebership is open to anyone who is a resident of Kentucky and wishes to belong. The only requirement for membership is a desire to encourage the development of new works for the stage; dues are $10 per year (Sep- Aug). Member playwrights are given opportunities to have their full-length and one act plays read aloud and such other benefits of membership as may develop as the organization grows.

The first public reading of new works by member playwrights will be held on February 2 and 3, 2011, from 6:30-8:45 pm, at the Lexington Public Library (main branch) Theatre. The reading is FREE and open to the public.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Kentucky Playwright to be produced in New York

Kentucky(she's moved to Indiana recently, but we still claim her as a Kentuckian!)playwright NANCY GALL-CLAYTON's short play about capital punishment, "Juice," will be produced as part of Looking Glass Theatre's Winter Forum, 422 West 57th Street, New York City, December 2-19. The forum is a semi-annual festival of new works featuring emerging women playwrights and directors. Tickets are $18. Call 212-352-3101, or visit

Thursday, December 2, 2010

More Pictures from the Reading at Bards Town

The reading at the Bards Town was a rousing success, as you can see. About thirty people showed up to eat, drink and read new plays by four Kentucky Playwrights and three from elsewhere. DIGGING FOR DIAMONDS was actually acted out (no scripts, and with costumes and props), the other six plays were given cold readings by volunteers from the audience.

Our next public reading of new plays will likely be in February 2011 in Lexington. Check back here for the details.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pictures from Readings at the Bards Town

Bill Forsyth, a member of KPW, took pictures of the reading held at the Bards Town on November 14th. Bill reported taking more pictures but for now the only ones available are above. Left to right (in the left most picture) are Kay Chambers (standing) Bruce McCann (face in the cutout), Bill McCann and Gail Johnson. Kay and Gail both read parts in one or more of the plays.

In the second photo (left to right) are Doug Schutte, one of the owners of the Bards Town, playwright James Hamblin (DIGGING for DIAMONDS) and actor Adam Luckey.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Meeting Schedule for the first Quarter of 2011

There will be no meeting in December 2010.

Instead our first meeting of the new year will be Sunday January 23, 2011 at Common Grounds Coffee House in Lexington. The second meeting will be Sunday February 13th, also at Common Grounds. For March it would be good to get out of Lexington and hold a meeting elsewhere; city and location to be determined.

The January meeting will involve readings of members' plays in progress. If you have either a one act or full-length play that is ready (or will be ready) for reading please send a note to so that your play reading can be scheduled. If you have a 10-minute or shorter play that you would like to have read, simply bring it to a meeting and it will be read as time allows.

In either February or March of 2011 we will schedule a public (music stand) reading of members' works at the Lexington Public Library Theatre. Watch the blog for more details.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

News Update

November has been an exciting and busy month for the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. We held our first meeting/reading in Louisville at the Bards Town, 1801 Bardstown on November 14th from 4:30 to 7:00 pm. About thirty people were in attendance to hear readings of the plays selected as part of the Kentucky Festival of New Plays. Though the festival has been postponed in part because the theatre at the Bards Town is not yet ready, the reading was a great success. Audience members did readings of the 10-minute plays that will be performed at the Bards Town when it is ready, probably in spring 2011. Meantime playwrights and others in attendnace were able to hear some wonderful new scripts and eat some of the Bards' great food.

Upcoming in December is an event you will want to put on your calendar. Btuce Williams-- one of the founders of 517 Playwrights-- is directing the second production of his full-length play TIM: A CHRISTMAS STORY. TIM, an update of Charles Dickens' A CHRISTMAS CAROL, will be produced by the Georgetown Community Theatre at the Thoroughbred Theatre in Midway.

The performance dates and times are Friday and Saturday night the 17th and 18th of December at 7:30 and Sunday the 19th at 2:00. Tickets should become available soon at the website. They are $12 for adults ($ 15 at the door).

Thursday, November 11, 2010

More About Playwrights Whose Works Will be Read at The Bards Town

The rest of the playwrights whose plays will be read on Sunday November 14, 2010 at the Bards Town, 1801 Bardstown Road in Louisville, Ky are listed below:

Sara Ilyse Jacobson author of Nephrology is from Baltimore, MD. Other plays include Have Your Cake, The Heart is Hollow and Past Shadows Dark and Deep, which was selected as first runner-up in the 1999 Agnes Nixon Playwriting Competition. Her plays have been produced in Baltimore, Washington, DC and in New York City.

Bill McCann the author of There is No Wrigley Field is a graduate student in Theatre at the University of Kentucky, a founding member of the Kentucky Playwrights’ Workshop, Inc. and a co-founder of 517 Playwrights. Bill is also an actor who most recently appeared as Charlie Martin in On Golden Pond for Little Colonel Playhouse in Pewee Valley, KY

George J. McGee, co-author of Digging for Diamonds, is from Georgetown, Kentucky. He holds a B.F.A from Illinois Wesleyan University, in Drama, and a M.F.A. from Florida Atlantic University, in Acting and Directing. He is a Professor and Director of Theatre at Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky.

McGee was a member of the Chicago based sketch comedy group, ‘The American Dream’, and was the Artistic Director of the Palm Beach Children’s Theatre. He has appeared in film, network television, commercials and industrials. McGee is also an actor, performing as ‘Kentucky’s Greatest Statesman, Henry Clay’, for the Kentucky Humanities Council’s, Chautauqua program.

Louise Penberthy, the author of No More Than Reason, isan actor, playwright, and director. Recent productions include “Miss Hannah Comes Back” at Pierce College in Tacoma, Washington, and her short play “The Cougar in the Coffeehouse” in the Erotic Shorts Festival at the Little Red Studio in Seattle. Louise lives in Seattle with her husband and two cats. She is a member of the Dramatists Guild.

Brian Walker a Louisville based playwright,is the author of Linda and Kirk and the Mouse Incident. Brian is the artistic director of Louisville, Kentucky based Finnigan Productions and has written and produced several full length plays in the Louisville area, including: Smoke this Play, Great American Sex Play, dirty sexy derby play and ZOMBIE!. Walker is the creator and co-producer of Finnigan’s Festival of Funky Fresh Fun, an annual 10-minute play festival celebrating independent theatre artists in the Louisville area.

Brian was awarded the Al Smith Individual Artist Fellowship Emerging Artist Award for playwriting by the Kentucky Arts Council in July 2010. He is a member of The Dramatists Guild, The Playwrights’ Center, The Kentucky Theatre Association The Kentucky Playwrights Workshop and the Theatre Alliance of Louisville.

Monday, November 8, 2010

About Our Playwrights

The playwrights whose plays will be read on Sunday November 14, 2010 at the Bards Town, a restaurant and entertainment complex on Bardstown Road in Louisville, Kentucky are listed below. The second half of the list of playwrights will go up later in the week. Please come out and support these playwrights whose work the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. would like to produce as part of the Kentucky Festival of New Plays in the spring of 2011, at the Bards Town.

Shan R. Ayers, author of the play Draped in Honor, holds an MFA and is a Professor of Theatre at Berea College. He teaches courses in design, script analysis, theatre history and playwriting. Twice he has taught playwriting for the Kentucky Institute for International Studies summer program in Japan and will be again in the 2011 summer program in Italy.

Trish Ayers, author of the 10-minute play Judging Quilts in this year's festival is co-artistic director and resident playwright of Mountain Spirit Puppets with her husband Shan Ayers. Her plays have toured the United States and Japan. She has been a guest artist at Iowa State and Western Illinois University and has won numerous playwriting awards from the Appalachian Writers Association. Ms. Ayers originated the Kentucky Women Playwrights’ Seminar, which has twice been funded by the Kentucky Foundation for Women (KFW). Currently she is editing the full-length play, “Taking Stock” with funding from the KFW Artist Enrichment Grant. She is a member of The Dramatists Guild.

James Hamblin, co author of Digging for Diamonds is an actor, writer and director from Georgetown, Kentucky. He has a BA in Communications from Georgetown College, and spent 2 years in the MFA Acting program at the University of Florida. James has performed off-Broadway, off-off-Broadway, and throughout New England. He has worked in independent film and television, and works as a writer, director, actor and teacher all over the country; regionally, James has worked with Lexington Children’s Theatre.

Rose-Mary Harrington, author of There is No Dash, is from Ashland, Oregon. She holds a B.A. from New College of Speech and Drama, England and an M.A. from the University of Arizona in Theatre/Playwrighting. Ms. Harrington's efforts have been generously rewarded, they run the gamut from Pulse Ensemble in New York to the Kennedy Center and to being awarded honors by the Pacific Northwest Writers Association. Rose-Mary was the 2009 recipient of the Oregon Literary Fellowship in Drama. Rose-Mary is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The next regular meeting of 517 Playwrights will be held in Louisville, KY at The Bards Town on Sunday November 14th, beginning at 4:30 pm, for the purpose of doing a reading of new 10-minute plays:

Draped in Honor, by Shan Ayers, Berea, KY
Judging Quilts, by Trish Ayers, Berea, KY
There is No Dash, by Rose Mary Harrington, Ashland, OR
Nephrology, by Sara Ilyse Jacobson, Baltimore MD
There is no Wrigley Field, by Bill McCann, Jr., Lexington, KY
Digging for Diamonds,by George McGee and James Hamblin, Georgetown, KY
No More Than Reason by Louise Penberthy, Seattle, WA

The Bards Town is a theatre, music venue and restaurant located in the Highlands neighborhood of Louisville at 1801 Bardstown Road (502) 749-5275. Come early and stay late to enjoy good food and fine short plays by Kentucky and other playwrights.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Taking Stock to be Read in Berea

Award winning playwright Trish Ayers’ most recent full-length play Taking Stock will have the first public reading as the featured November 5th Berea Arts Council literary program. Ayers was awarded a 2009 Kentucky Foundation for Women (KFW) Individual Artist grant to edit Taking Stock, a play that explores the issue of horse slaughter and the impact of hurt turned inward.

The reading will be an opportunity for community members to be a part of hearing for the first time these new characters come to life. Audience members who volunteer will read different character parts and a short question and answer session will take place following the reading.

Ayers originated the Kentucky Women Playwrights’ Seminar, which has twice been funded by the KFW. She is the co-artistic director and resident playwright of Mountain Spirit Puppets with her husband Shan Ayers. Her plays have toured the United States and Japan. She has been a guest artist at Iowa State and Western Illinois University. Her plays have won numerous awards from the Appalachian Writers Association and were a finalist in the 2009 Heartland Ten-Minute and One-Act Play Festival. Judging Quilts, one of her ten-minute plays was recently selected to be a part of the Kentucky New Play Festival to be held in Bardstown in November. She is a member of Dramatists Guild and 517 Playwrights, and the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. a non-profit supported in part by the Kentucky Arts Council.

Next Meeting of 517 Playwrights

The next meeting of 517 Playwrights will be Sunday October 10, 2010 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Common Grounds Coffee House, Lexington, KY. Please join us to hear new plays read.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Join us... become a Founding Member

Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. is open to any Kentuckian interested in writing or producing new works for the stage. Any Kentuckian interested in supporting our work, or who is a playwright may join and become a Founding Member of the group by sending a check for $10 made out to Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. (or simply KPW)toPO Box 55222 Lexington, KY 40555. Founding Membership is only available until October 1, 2010-- after that regular memberships are available for that same $10. No special honor goes to those who are Founding Members. On the other hand, how many times do you expect to be a Founding Member of an organization? Get your check in the mail today-- October 1, 2010 will be here before you know it and this once in a lifetime opportunity will be lost forever.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Berea College Season Announced

The Berea College Theatre Department will be presenting the following shows this season:

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, by Tennessee Williams
October 8,9,13-16, 2010

An Evening of Clay, by Clay Chapman
November 12,13,17-20, 2010

The Death of the Last Black Man in the Whole Entire World, by Suzan-Lori Parks
February 18,19,23-26, 2011

The Children’s Hour, by Lillian Hellman
April 8,9,13-16, 2011

All tickets are $10.00. Box Office number is 859-985-3300.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

517 Playwrights to meet September 19

The regular meeting of 517 Playwrights-- the new works development committee of Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc.-- will be Sunday September 19, 2010 at Common Grounds Coffee House on High Street in Lexington. The meeting will focus on reading works by Steve Taylor, Shan Ayers, and Trish Ayers. Shorter works may be brought by members or interested people and read and discussed as time allows. The meeting will begin at 2pm and last until 5pm, as interest and circumstances dictate. Please join us. We are always interested in finding new members.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Berea Arts Council to have a reading of plays written by Bill McCann, Jr.

The Berea Arts Council recently announced an evening of short play readings by Lexington playwright Bill McCann, Jr. The monthly Second Friday Reading, Friday, September 10 will be held at 7:30 p.m. at Berea Arts Council’s ArtSpace, 116 N. Main Street, Berea, Ky.

Bill is a graduate student in Theatre at the University of Kentucky, a founding member of the Kentucky Playwrights’ Workshop, Inc. and a co-founder (with Greta Fields) of 517 Playwrights. Bill is executive producing this year’s Kentucky Festival of New Plays, which will be held November 19th and 20th at The Bard’s Town, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY. The event will be sponsored by the KPW and The Bards Town.

The dramatic and entertaining short plays to be read contain adult language and content. In Barn Yard Conversation a cow falls for a pig. Before the dinner rolls rise in There Is No Wrigley Field a marriage falls apart. And we’ll hear about a Christmas party that turns out badly for the ‘host’ family in Christmas Party.

There is no admission charged for this event, but a donation of $5 is encouraged to help support the work of the BAC. For additional information on the Second Friday program please contact the Berea Arts Council at (859) 985-9317.

The Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, supports the Berea Arts Council with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Louise Penberthy Play to be Produced

Louise Penberthy, the author of No More Than Reason, is an actor, playwright, and director. Recent productions include “Miss Hannah Comes Back” at Pierce College in Tacoma, Washington, and her short play “The Cougar in the Coffeehouse” in the Erotic Shorts Festival at the Little Red Studio in Seattle. Louise lives in Seattle with her husband and two cats. She is a member of the Dramatists Guild.

No More Than Reason , a winner of 517 Playwrights 2nd Annual 10-Minute Play Contest, will be produced November 19 and 20 as part of the Kentucky Festival of New Plays at the Bards Town, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY. The festival is sponsored by the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. and the Bards Town Theatre.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Organizational Meeting Held

A meeting to formally organize the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. was held on the afternoon of August 15, 2010 at Common Grounds Coffee House in Lexington, KY. At that meeting the KPW adopted Bylaws, a policy manual and the membership elected a Board of Directors and approved dues for 2010 - 2011 of $10. Members who pay their dues on or before September 30, 2010 will be recognized as KPW's "Founding Members."

Individuals elected to the first Board of Directors are: Shan Ayers, Berea (Secretary); James Brown, Lexington (Treasurer) and Bill McCann, Jr., Lexington (President). The Board members will serve until the Annual Meeting of Active Members in September 2011, or until their successors are elected or appointed.

Membership in the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. is open to any Kentuckian interested in the production of new works for the stage.

KPW is organized as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Membership and Board Meetings are open to the general public. Copies of the Bylaws as amended and approved at the Organizational meeting on August 15th are available upon request by sending a request to

Advertising Rates for Program Announced

Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. announced advertsing rates for this year's Kentucky Festival of New Plays that will be held November 19 and 20 at The Bards Town, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY:

business card: $35

1/4 page ad: $60

1/2 page ad: $100

full-page ad: $175

To advertise or for more information write

This year's Kentucky Festival of New Plays features eight 10-minute plays by five Kentucky playwrights as well as three plays by playwrights from across America.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Brian Walker to Participate in Kentucky Festival of New Plays

Brian Walker a Louisville based playwright,is the author of Linda and Kirk and the Mouse Incident a 10-minute play, that will be featured in this year's Kentucky Festival of New Plays. Brian is the artistic director of Louisville, Kentucky based Finnigan Productions and has written and produced several full length plays in the Louisville area, including: Smoke this Play, Great American Sex Play, dirty sexy derby play and ZOMBIE!. Walker is the creator and co-producer of Finnigan’s Festival of Funky Fresh Fun, an annual 10-minute play festival celebrating independent theatre artists in the Louisville area.

Among his other plays Brian Walker's short play,Purple Cool-Aide Cult from Purpletown, was an official Play-Lab selection at 2009’s Great Plains Theatre Conference in Omaha, NE. and his full length play, The Kings, was part of the Juneteenth Legacy Theatre’s 2009 Juneteenth Jamboree at Actors Theatre of Louisville; and it waS also part of the 18th Annual R. Joyce Whitley ARENAfest Festival of new plays in Cleveland, OH in May 2010.

Brian was awarded the Al Smith Individual Artist Fellowship Emerging Artist Award for playwriting by the Kentucky Arts Council in July 2010. He is a member of The Dramatists Guild, The Playwrights’ Center, The Kentucky Theatre Association The Kentucky Playwrights Workshop and the Theatre Alliance of Louisville.

Linda and Kirk and the Mouse Incident will be one of the eight 10-minute plays performed as part of the Kentucky Festival of New Plays to be held November 18-21 at The Bards Town Theatre, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY. sponsored by the theatre and the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Couple to Headline New Plays Festival

Berea residents and playwrights Shan and Trish Ayers, are headlining this year's Kentucky Festival of New Plays November 18-21, 2010 at The Bardstown Theatre, 1801 Bardstown Road in Louisville, KY.

Trish Ayers, author of the 10-minute play JUDGING QUILTS in this year's festival is co-artistic director and resident playwright of Mountain Spirit Puppets with her husband Shan Ayers. Her plays have toured the United States and Japan. She has been a guest artist at Iowa State and Western Illinois University and has won numerous playwriting awards from the Appalachian Writers Association and was a finalist in the 2009 Heartland Ten-Minute and One-Act Play Festival.

Ms. Ayers originated the Kentucky Women Playwrights’ Seminar, which has twice been funded by the Kentucky Foundation for Women (KFW). Currently she is editing the full-length play, “Taking Stock” with funding from the KFW Individual Artist Grant. She is a member of The Dramatists Guild.

Shan R. Ayers, author of the play DRAPED IN HONOR, holds an MFA and is a Professor of Theatre at Berea College. He teaches courses in design, script analysis, theatre history and playwriting. Twice he has taught playwriting for the Kentucky Institute for International Studies summer program in Japan and will be again in the 2011 summer program in Italy.

The Kentucky Festivla of New Plays is in its second year; in 2009 the festival was known as the Midway Festival of Plays and was produced at the Thoroughbred Communuity Theatre, Midway, KY.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

James Hamblin: Digging for Diamonds

James Hamblin, co author of DIGGING FOR DIAMONDS’ is an actor, writer and director from Georgetown, Kentucky. He has a BA in Communications from Georgetown College, and spent 2 years in the MFA Acting program at the University of Florida.

James has performed off-Broadway, off-off-Broadway, and throughout New England. He has worked in independent film and television, and works as a writer, director, actor and teacher all over the country. Locally, James is very proud of his work with Lexington Children’s Theatre.

DIGGING FOR DIAMONDS, by George Mcgee and James Hamblin, will be presented November 18-21, 2010 at the Bards Town Theatre, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY as part of the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc’s Kentucky Festival of New Plays.

Monday, August 9, 2010


George J. McGee, co-author of ‘DIGGING FOR DIAMONDS’ is from Georgetown, Kentucky. He holds a B.F.A from Illinois Wesleyan University, in Drama, and a M.F.A. from Florida Atlantic University, in Acting and Directing. He is a Professor and Director of Theatre at Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky.

McGee was a member of the Chicago based sketch comedy group, ‘The American Dream’, and was the Artistic Director of the Palm Beach Children’s Theatre. He has appeared in film, network television, commercials and industrials. He has recently appeared in Ed Smith’s film, ‘Surviving Guthrie’, and his short film, ‘doc doc’, has been selected for screening at Ireland’s 2010 International Film Festival. His 2008 play, ‘A Fence for Martin Maher’, written with award winning Irish playwright, John Mc Ardle, toured Kentucky and the Republic of Ireland. McGee is also an actor, performing as ‘Kentucky’s Greatest Statesman, Henry Clay’, for the Kentucky Humanities Council’s, Chautauqua program.

McGee is married to Cathy Gorman McGee they are both originally from the Chicago land area, but now live in Georgetown, Kentucky.

DIGGING FOR DIAMONDS, by George McGee and James Hamblin, will be presented November 18-21, 2010 at the Bards Town Theatre, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY as part of the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc’s Kentucky Festival of New Plays.

Candidates for the KPW Board of Directors

The following individuals-- listed alphabetically-- are candidates for election to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. at the meeting to be held on Sunday August 15, 2010 at Common Grounds Coffee House, begining at 2:00 pm.

Board members elected at this Sunday's meeting will be responisble for the financial and administrative management of the KPW until thier successors are elected or appointed. Term of office is one year. From among themselves the Board will elect a president, secretary and treasurer to serve until the Annual Meeting 0f Active Members in September 2011.

Candidates for the Board are:

Shan R. Ayers, a Professor of Theatre at Berea College, holds an MFA in Theatre Design. He has been on the faculty at Berea College since 1984. He joined 517Playwrights this past Spring. Shan currently teaches playwriting courses at Berea and has twice taught playwriting while abroad with the Kentucky Institute for International Studies. He has also served as the playwriting judge for the Appalachian Writers Association and as a judge for the Berea Arts Council's Ten Minute Play Festival during their Quilt Extravaganza. He is currently reformatting and editing a collection of short plays written by Kentucky women playwrights. Shan's play, DRAPED IN HONOR, was selected for this year's Kentucky Festival of New Plays.

James Brown joinied KPW in February 2010. He will be producer of this year's festival of new plays. In addition to KPW James is a playwright and actor who is also working on an MFA in creative writing. James' play HIGHER EDUCATION was produced this past winter at the Lexington Public Library Theatre. Most recently, ames was in BCTC's play A FEW GOOD MEN in which he played Major Markinson.

Bill McCann, Jr. is co-founder (with Greta Fields) of 517 Playwrights and a Founding Member of Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. In addition to doing much of the work necessary to beocome an IRS sanctioned non-profit Bill has served as Contest Coordinator for both of the 517 Playwrights 10-minute play contests. This year Bill is also serving as Executive Producer (chief fundraiser) for the Kentucky Festival of New Plays. Beginning on August 16th Bill is going to be starting work on a MA in Theatre at the University of Kentucky. Bill is a playwright and actor. Most recently Bill played Charlie Martin in ON GOLDEN POND with the Little Colonel Playhouse in Pewee Valley, KY. His play, THERE IS NO WRIGLEY FIELD, will be in the Kentucky Festival of New Plays.

Steve Taylor attended the very first meeting of 517 Playwrights in 2008 and has been an active and enthusiastic member since writing the initial draft of the organization's Bylaws and helping KPW become incorporated as a non-profit. For both play contests Steve has been a judge; this year he also submitted two scripts for consideration. In addition to his work with KPW Steve is a playwright, a lawyer and, with a partner, an owner of a small press that specializes in publishing poetry.

Additional nominees will be accepted from the floor the day of the election.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

KPW Founders Meeting: August 15, 2010

We will officially "Found" (establish) Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. at our meeting on August 15, 2010 at Common Grounds Coffee House, Lexington, KY. beginning at 2:00 pm. If you have an interest in writing or developing new plays for the stage (and live in Kentucky) then Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. needs you!

At our August 15th meeting we will be doing the arcane but oh so necessary work of formally establishing KPW as a viable on-going organization; we will adopt Bylaws, establish dues for the coming year ($10 is the recommendation), adopt a policy manual and elect Board members. Currently the organization has 12 members who reside in Berea, Georgetown, Lexington, Louisville, and Whitesburg. Based upon the procedure that is to be recommended to those who attend the meeting we need a quorum of six (6) of the current members to be present in order for us to do business. So-- please attend the meeting.

If you have an interest in joining us, please do so. But if you have never been to a meeting before then PLEASE contact us at and request the materials to be discussed and voted on at the August 15th meeting. Only individuals who have received the materials AT LEAST 72 hours in advance of the meeting may be allowed to vote; anyone wishing to attend the meeting however may do so.

Well, it is hard to believe but KPW is about to burst into bloom-- join us!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rose-Mary Harrington

Rose-Mary Harrington, author of THERE IS NO DASH, is from Ashland, Oregon. She holds a B.A. from New College of Speech and Drama, England and an M.A. from the University of Arizona in Theatre/Playwrighting.

Ms. Harrington's efforts have been generously rewarded, they run the gamut from Pulse Ensemble in New York to the Kennedy Center and to being awarded honors by the Pacific Northwest Writers Association. Rose-Mary was the 2009 recipient of the Oregon Literary Fellowship in Drama.

Rose-Mary is the mother of five muses, she has seven grand children. She is now able to field her very own soccer team, having played and coached soccer. She reluctantly admits to being an armchair soccer hooligan.

Rose-Mary is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America.

THERE IS NO DASH, by Rose-Mary Harrington, will be presented November 18- 21, 2010 at The Bards Town Theatre, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY as part of the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc.'s Kentucky Festival of New Plays.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And the Winners are...

The winners of this year's 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest are:

Draped in Honor -- Shan Ayres-- Berea, KY
Judging Quilts -- Trish Ayres -- Berea, KY
There is No Dash -- Rose-Mary Harrington-- Ashland, OR
Nephrology -- Sara Ilyse Jacobson -- Baltimore, MD
There is No Wrigley Field -- Bill McCann, Jr. -- Lexington, KY
Digging for Diamonds -- George McGee and James Hamblin, Georgetown, KY
No More Than Reason -- Louise Penberthy -- Seattle, WA
Linda and Kirk -- Brian Walker -- Louisville, KY

The winners will be produced November 18 -21, 2010 at The Bards Town Theatre, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY as part of the Kentucky Festival of New Plays sponsored by the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Contest Winners Selected

Winning plays have been selected from the more than 180 submissions in this year's 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest. Five Kentucky and three non-Kentucky playwrights have had scripts selected for production as part of this year's Festival of New Kentucky Plays that will be presented November 18- 21, 2010 at The Bards Town Theatre in Louisville, KY. The winning scripts will be announced once each of the winning playwrights has agreed to participate in this year's Festival.

Monday, July 26, 2010

SETC Announces Play Contest for High School Students

The Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC) Playwriting Committee has created a playwriting contest just for high school students. The winning playwright receives a $250 prize and a subsidy to attend the annual SETC convention in March with an adult chaperone. At the convention, the play will be given a staged reading followed by a talkback.

High school student playwrights who currently reside in one of the 10 states in the SETC region are eligible. These states include Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Submissions will be accepted from October 1 through December 1, 2010.

The script should be a one-act play that has not been published or professionally produced. Each applicant may submit one play only. Plays must be written by a single playwright – no collaborations.

To enter: FIRST) Send a $10 check payable to SETC and a completed Application Form (available at to Nancy Gall-Clayton, HS Playwriting Contest Chair, 1818 Utica Pike, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. The entry fee subsidizes the prize and related activities of SETC. SECOND) Email your script as a PDF to Scripts will not be distributed for review to the reading panel until the entry fee check is received.

If you have questions, please email Nancy Gall-Clayton at

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Dillenger Dilimma

The world premiere run of THE DILLINGER DILIMMA at Pioneer Playhouse in Danville, KY is about to come to an end. There are only two performances left-- tonight's, which is sold out, and tomorrows, for which only a few seats remain-- so contact the theatre immediately by phone or web and reserve your seats. This is a play not to be missed.

Written by Danville playwright Elizabeth Orndorff, THE DILLINGER DILEMMA is a comic farce, a case of mistaken identity that is truly side-splitting sometimes, and funny the rest. The play is a "what if" premised play based on a single line reported in the local newpaper-- the notorious gangster John Dillenger had been seen in town. From that brief line Ms. Orndorff has constructed a play that may well become a staple of local theatres (and theatres in towns named Danville, everywhere) for years to come.

Though the first act seemed over-long and a bit over-acted things really took off after intermission when John Dillinger (Cris Kateff) took the stage and much of the focus. Yet there were many other fine performances too, particularly both Daniel Hall Kuhn (Jimmy Lawrence) and Katie Sawhill (Ethelene) who both have great comic timing. Still, these were not the only good performances, director Robby Henson has assembled a nice set and fine ensemble of actors to bring this play to life; they do a nice job with Orndorff's fun, well written script.

Try to get to Danville to see Elizabeth Orndorff''s DILLINGER'S DILEMMA for Saturday July 24'ths final world premier performance. But if you don't make it know that this is a play that is likely to be performed by high schools and community theatres for years to come. And who knows, maybe it will achieve more than that-- it's that good!

To make reservations contact Pioneer Playhouse at or call them at
859 236-2747. Tickets cost $12- $27.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kentucky Theatre Association Announces Contest

The Kentucky Theatre Association has announced that its 2nd Annual ROOTS OF THE BLUEGRASS PLAYWRITING CONTEST will accept scripts of all lengths between August 1 and September 1, 2010. The contest is free and open to all Kentuckians, including out-of-state residents, who resided in the Commonwealth for a minimum of three years.

Brief plays are acceptable, but full length plays (single or multi-act) are preferred. Except for musicals, all genres will be considered. Scripts should not exceed 120 pages. Plays that have had a full stage production will not be considered.

A cover or contact sheet with title, name, address and phone, must be included. The script itself should not include the name of the playwright, but it is helpful if the title is listed on each page.

Electronic submissions are encouraged in either a PDF or MS Word format. US mail delivered scripts must have a SASE if you wish it returned.

Six semi-finalists will be announced by October 1, and the three finalists on October 15.

The finalists will receive staged readings and awards presentations at the Danville KTA Convention in November. The winner will also receive a $250 cash prize.

Electronic scripts and inquiries should be sent to Bill Forsyth at US mail should be sent to: Bill Forsyth, PO Box 24081, Lexington, Ky. 40524.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Walker Receives Emerging Artist Award

Recently the Kentucky Arts Council (KAC) announced its selection of six artists as recipients of its Emerging Artist Awards: Daniel Cherry, literary –fiction, Pulaski County; Amelia Martens, literary – fiction, McCracken County; Britton Shurley, literary – poetry, McCracken County; Eric Stem, musical composition, Jefferson County; Brian Walker, literary – playwriting, Jefferson County; and Mariam Williams, literary – creative nonfiction, Jefferson County.

Of the six recipients, Brian Walker of Louisville is a member of the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc and a judge of this year's non-Kentucky entries in the 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest.

To read the copmplete announcement go to:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Bards Town to Host the Kentucky Festival of New Plays

This year's Kentucky Festival of New Plays will be November 18- 21st at The Bard's Town Theatre at the corner of Bardstown Road and Speed Ave. in Louisville, KY. Featuring 10-minute plays by primarily Kentucky playwrights this year's Kentucky Festival of New Plays promises to be an outstanding festival hosted by one of the state's most unique theatres: The Bards Town.

Located in Louisville's arts oriented Highlands neighborhood The Bard's Town, at 1801 Bardstown Road, is a truly unique concept: the ground floor consists of a 60-seat restaurant and 30-seat lounge, that each serve the Bard's delectable Bites and Beverages. But what really sets The Bard's Town apart, is the second floor--home to The Bard's Town Theatre. This 70-seat theatre comes equipped with 70 chairs (with tables!), food and drink service, and some of the finest entertainment in Louisville including a resident troupe.The restaurant, bar and lounge will open in late July. The theatre will open in the fall. And the Festival will be November 18-21. If you're in the neighborhood, stop in and say hi! For more information about The Bards Town check out their web site at

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Festival Producer to be James Brown

The Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. 2010 Kentucky Festival of New Plays to be held November 18- 21st at The Bards Town Theatre, 1801 Bardstown Road, in Louisville, KY, will be produced by James Brown. Mr. Brown is a playwright and actor who lives in Lexington. As this year's festival producer Mr. Brown will be responsible for finding directors and actors for the plays that will be featured in the festival. Additionally, Mr. Brown will coordinate what will truly be a "state-wide" festival of plays, playwrights and theatrical efforts to make certain that the event can move plays that are performance-ready to go when they reach The Bards Town Theatre's stage.

James Brown will be seeking directors and actors in both Lexington and Louisville-- and elsewhere in Kentucky as well-- to help make this event happen. Directors are responsible for bringing the plays to Louisville ready to go; directors are to hold auditions, block and rehearse the play, find appropriate costumes, props and set pieces, and do any lighting and sound design required. Mr. Brown, his directors and actors have a huge task in front of them; but he and they are up to it.

As an actor James Brown most recently has appeared in Bluegrass Community and Technical College's (BCTC) A FEW GOOD MEN as Major Markinson; James is also in an upcoming play being directed by another KPW member Kathi E. B. Ellis. More about this production will appear on the blog when the details are available. As a playwright James had a performance of his play HIGHER EDUCATION at the downtown branch of the Lexington Public Library in February of 2010. Mr. Brown is a member of the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc.

The plays for this year's Festival have not yet been selected however it is never too soon for directors, actors and technicians to say they are interested in helping. If you would like to participate in this year's Festival-- whether as an actor, director or back stage please contact James Brown at

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Important Meeting July 11, 2010

The next meeting of 517 Playwrights is important: we will be choosing the winning Kentucky scripts that will be produced this October as part of our Festival of Plays. We will read and discuss the best plays submitted during the recent contest and try to agree which four to six scripts stand heads above all the rest. Also, we will be discussing which of two possible venues might work best AND discuss a proposed set of bylaws. It will be an important meeting, please join us.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

There's Still Time to See a Modern Classic.

The final two performances of Shoestring Productions' Glass Menagerie are over the Fourth of July weekend. Performances are Friday July 2nd and Monday July 5th at the Water Tower in Louisville. If you haven't seen this American classic of the stage by playwright Tennessee Williams in awhile get out and see Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. member's Kathi E. B. Ellis' version of Glass Menagerie which has won plaudits for brilliance and ingenuity. Featuring Megan Burnett (Amanda), Lee Look (Tom), Laura Ellis (Laura) and Doug Sumay (The Gentleman Caller) this wonderful play has struck all the right tones with critics; it will with you, too.

Produced in partnership with the Louisville Visual Art Association, in conjunction with their Ne10: Louisville exhibit, part of the National Glass Art Society conference in Louisville at the Water Tower, the show goes up for its last two perfomances on July 2nd and 5th at 7:30 pm.

For more information about the production go to Tickets are $15; $12 for seniors and students with valid id.

For reservations at 502-741-8392 or

Glass Menagerie is being produced by special arrangement with Dramatist’s Play Service

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Contest is Closed

The Second Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest is now closed. Our thanks to all those who entered this year's contest. It is our hope to be able to announce the winner's of this year's contest by mid-August and to produce the winners at the end of October or the first of November. Watch our blog for further developments. Again, our thanks to those who entered this year's contest.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Day Left

There is only a little more than one day left to enter this year's 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest; send in your entry today. The contest closes at midnight 30 June 2010 so don't delay in sending in your submission. The rules were posted on this blog on May 2, 2010. The email address for submissions is

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Liz Fentress to Consult with KPW

Liz Fentress, a theatre consultant based in Louisville, Ky. has agreed to work with members of Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. as we work towards applying for public charity status with the Internal Revenue Service. Best known as 501(c)3 status, the IRS requires that all non-profits wishing to obtain recognition as "public charity" apply by filing the appropriate application and supporting documents including bylaws and a mission statement. What Ms. Fentress will help KPW do is improve on drafts of the bylaws and mission statement and prepare a draft of the application. With much of this paperwork already drafted it is hoped that the application for 501(c)3 status can be submitted before September 30, 2010.

According to her biography on the Kentucky Arts Council web site, "Liz Fentress has extensive experience in professional, community and educational theatre as a producer, administrator, director, actor and teacher. Liz was the Associate Producer of Kentucky Repertory Theatre (formerly Horse Cave Theatre) for eight years, where she served on both the management and artistic teams. This included supervising fundraising and grant writing, coordinating the new play development and education programs, and directing and acting each season. Liz also served as the Executive Director of the Playhouse in the Park, the community theatre in Murray, KY. While there, she oversaw Board development, financial management, marketing, fundraising, volunteer coordination and programming of a nine-play production season, a new play festival and educational opportunities for all ages. Prior to moving to Kentucky, Liz toured extensively throughout the Midwest with the Guthrie Theatre and the Franzen Brothers Circus. She was a founding member of the Irondale Ensemble in New York."

Ms. Fentress' services are being provided to KPW by the Kentucky Arts Council (KAC) which seeks to encourage and develop the arts in Kentucky. The KAC is an agency of state government which provides resources to individual artists and arts groups throughout the state. More information about the KAC and its programs can be found by visiting

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Play Contest: One Week to Go!

You've put it off long enough. You know you have. That 10-minute play that has been parked in the back of your mind for months just waiting to burst out of you and onto paper needs to be written. So write it and submit it to this years 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest. The dead line is 11:59:59 on June 30th so you have one week to finish your script and get it submitted for this year's contest. Submissions should be sent to

Complete rules can be found on this blog under the May 2, 2010 posting.

Winers will be announced later this year. Selected plays will likely be produced in October/November of this year.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Better Picture

Another picture from the June 13th meeting of
517 Playwrights. Left to Right are: James Brown,
Bill McCann, Jr., Steve Taylor, and Kathi E. B.
Ellis. Bill Forsyth was the photographer. (An un-
known coffee drinker/blogger is in the background.) Please come join us for our next meeting on July 11th, 2:00 pm at Common
Grounds Coffee House.

The Trilogy of Bob and Angelina

The first of six performances of Len Cuthbert's THE TRILOGY of BOB & ANGELINA took to the stage on Saturady June 19 at the London Fringe Festival.

Playwright: Len Cuthbert
Featuring: Sarah Elisabeth Abbott, Ray Wiersma
Comedy Drama
General Entertainment

A marriage proposal gone wrong (The Maladroit Romeo). A nightmare that won’t end (Enigmatic Lucidity). The art of communication (One Year One Day). Three plays for the price of one (Two award winning & one premier). A stimulus package everyone can enjoy. Up to date information @

Length: 45 min
Price: $10.00

Enigmatic Lucidity was presented in 2009 as part of the Midway Festival of New Plays at the Thoroughbred Community Theatre in MIdway, KY. The London Fringe is the first time that all three plays in the trilogy have been presented on the same stage, at the same time. This is an event not to be missed!

Information about the entire London (Ontario) Fringe Festival-- which runs through June 27th -- is available at

Monday, June 21, 2010

Picture Us: 517 Playwrights

Members of 517 Playwrights gathered at Common Grounds Coffee House on Sunday June 13th included: (l to r) Bill McCann, Jr, Steve Taylor, Kathi E. B. Ellis, and James Brown. The photo was taken by yet another member, Bill Forsyth. Missing are Shan and Trish Ayres and Jim Betts. New members are always welcome. The next meeting will be Sunday July 11th at Common Grounds at 2:00 pm. Anyone who has an interest in encouraging the development of new works for the stage is welcome to join us.

"Saving Grace" Selected for LYTE Program

London Community Players, London, Ontario, Canada have selected Len Cuthbert's play Saving Grace as part of its 2010 LYTE (London Youth Theatre Education) program. LYTE "is designed to introduce youth to the magic of theatre, offering them an opportunity to expand their creativity while cultivating self-esteem and performance skills in a stimulating, enjoyable environment." Each year playwrights are encouraged to submit one-act plays suitable for performance by young people. LCP then selects three plays which are developed during two weeks of rehearsals before being performed for family and friends.

For more information visit:

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fridge Door Live Theatre Camp Still Has Openings

Len Cuthbert's theatre company for youth and children, Fridge Door Live, is running four weeks of camp in London Ontario, Canada this summer. Weeks two and three (July 5-16) are full. Weeks one and four still have some vacancies.

In 2006, Len Cuthbert created a Summer Theatre Camp designed for kids with an interest in the performing arts. Children and youth with an interest in the performing arts are involved in a variety of theatre activity while working together as a team to prepare a final production that will be presented before a live audience of family and friends.

Hillside Church, 250 Commissioners E. London
July 5-9 - Grade 3-6
July 12-16 - Grade 5-8
July 19-23 - Grade 7-10

Summerside Church, 1447 Commissioners E. London
August 9-13 - Grade 4-8

For more information visit the Fridge Door Live Theatre Company web site, via the link above.

In 2009, Len Cuthbert's 10-minute play Enigmatic Lucidity was presented as part of the Midway Festival of Plays at the Thoroughbred Community Theatre by Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc.

A Few Good Men Stars a Playwright!

KPW's very own James Brown is featured as Major Markinson in Bluegrass Community and Technical College's production of A FEW GOOD MEN June 24-26th at 7:30 and June 27th at 2:00 pm. All perfomances are at the Downtown Arts Center in Lexington.

Aaron Sorkin's A FEW GOOD MEN is the story of military lawyers at a court-martial who uncover a high-level conspiracy in the course of defending their clients, United States Marines accused of murder. The play is co-directed by Tim X. Davis and Jared K. Sloan. Tickets are $12.00. All performances will be at the Downtown Arts Center, 141 E. Main Street, Lexington , KY 40507. For reservations call 859 225-0370.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Glass Menagerie Revealed in a 'Brilliant New Light'

KPW, Inc. member and director Kathi E. B. Ellis' version of Tennessee Williams' play Glass Mengerie recently opened to critical acclaim: said "ShoeString Productions and Ellis deserve thanks for bringing us this production that joins fine performances with one of America’s greatest dramatic works, and for revealing all in a brilliant new light.”

Don’t miss The Glass Menagerie! – four more performances at the historic Water Tower: June 20 and 29 and July 2 and 5. Performances at 8:30p.m. Gallery with Ne10: Louisville, illuminated glass art, exhibit open at 7:30p.m. Reservations at 502-741-8392 or

“Director Kathi E.B. Ellis casts four strong and accomplished performers — Megan Burnett (Amanda), Laura Ellis (Laura), Lee Look (Tom) and Doug Sumey (the Gentleman Caller) — to carry out her vision. All four give honor to their roles, illuminating and interpreting without resorting to type. New facets emerge throughout the evening, and none will disappoint; but to say more would be to rob you of the pleasure of uncovering the subtleties for yourself.” Lighting design by John Newman and sound design by Laura Ellis.

Check out the full review at

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kentucky Arts Council Grant Approved

Recently the Kentucky Arts Council (KAC) approved the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop Inc.'s application for assistance in applying for 501(c)3 recognition from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a charitable organization. With the help of a "peer advisor" (arts consultant) KPW will receive advice about how to organize its business affairs in order to receive IRS recognition as an approved charity.

The KAC's KPAN (Kentucky Peer Advisory Network) program is intended, according to the KAC website, as "a flexible, user-friendly program that has been designed to give arts organizations, community groups, schools, and eligible individual artists, professional assistance in a timely manner at minimal cost."

"KPAN is a program of the Kentucky Arts Council, a state agency in the Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet that creates opportunities for Kentuckians through the arts. Kentucky Arts Council funding is provided by the Kentucky State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts."

"Organizations or eligible individual artists can apply to have a Peer Advisor assist them with specific issues such as: Board Development, Grantwriting, Marketing & Promotion, Strategic Planning, Festival Planning and More," year around. There is no application deadline or fee.

The KAC will pay the consultant's consulting fee; travel and incidental expenses will be the responsibility of the KPW. 517 Playwrights is the New Play Development Committee of KPW.

For more information about KAC or its programs, including KPAN, visit its website:

A potential KPAN consultant has been contacted to assist KPW. When an individual agrees to work with KPW the name and background of the consultant will be discussed in a future article.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Next Meeting

The next meeting of 517 Playwrights will be Sunday July 11th beginning at 2:00 pm at Common Grounds Coffee House in Lexington. The meeting will last until 5:00. The focus of this meeting will be to decide on the winning KENTUCKY plays for this year's 10-minute play contest as well as to read and discuss member plays.

Please not that we have changed the meeting time back to 2:00 from 1:30 in order to allow members who are travelling from out in the state-- we now have members from both Louisville and Berea-- to have time to make it to Lexington after attending church or other Sunday morning activites.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Membership Approved KAC Application

At the membership meeting on Sunday June 13th the membership of the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. (KPW) approved submission of an application to the Kentucky Arts Council, Frankfort, requesting assistance in seeking approval of 501(c)3 status as a charitable organization from the Internal Revenue Service. The KPW was incorporated as a non-profit with the Kentucky Secretary of State's Office, Frankfort, in September 2009; In the months since then the organization has drafted a mission statement and a set of bylaws, but has not submitted those and such other paperwork as may be required to obtain charitable organization status from the IRS. It is hoped that with help from a KAC peer consultant that the basic requirements for 501(c)3 status can be met prior to year's end.

The KPW is the producing arm of 517 Playwrights; according to the draft KPW bylaws 517 Playwrights is the "New Play Development Committee" of KPW.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Contest Statistics

517 Playwrights Second Annual 10-Minute Play Contest closes in just 18 days. As of today we have received 143 submissions from 26 US states, 3 Canadian provinces and Australia. Of those 143 entries 34 (@25%) were authored by women.

Leading in submissions are Kentucky, with 22 scripts; California, 21; New York, 16; Illinois 7; Ohio 5; and with four each Iowa, Maryland, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

Canadian provinces from which entries have come are Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec.

The play contest closes at midnight on June 30, 2010-- still two and a half weeks away-- so it is not too late to submit a script. Complete rules can be found on this blog, May 2, 2010. Entries should be sent to Late entries will not be read; so, enter today!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Williams' Glass Menagerie Opens June 10th

Louisville's Shoestring Productions presents the immortal Tennessee Williams play The Glass Menagerie for seven performances beginning June 10, 2010; performances are June 10, 16, 17, 20, 29, July 2 and 5 at 8:30p.m. at the Water Tower, Louisville, KY.

“This is a memory play” Tom Wingfield informs the audience at the beginning of our time with him, as he reconstructs for us a particularly painful sequence of events in his family life.

St. Louis: the late 1930’s. The Wingfield family lives in a shabby tenement, a far cry from Amanda’s (Megan Burnett) girlhood memory of her Blue Mountain mansion when Gentleman Callers flooded her home. Now she peddles ladies magazines over the phone to help make ends meet for her, her son and her daughter: Tom (Lee Look) who barely holds down a low-level job at a shoe warehouse, while writing poetry, going to the movies and, possibly, drinking too much like the absent father; and Laura (Laura Ellis), the terribly shy daughter, who spends most of her days tending to her collection of glass animals. What, indeed, as Amanda says, is “to become of us”? We’re about to find out when Tom defensively invites Jim O’Connor (Doug Sumey) to dinner with the family. How volatile will it be to introduce a gentleman caller into these lives in this small apartment?

“I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion,” Tom also promises. The Glass Menagerie, like so many of Williams’ plays, draws on his family’s personalities and experiences. Memory, being mutable, is always a balance of truth and illusion; as is theatre…and here Williams explores truth and illusion refracted through light, memory, and reflections of glass.

This production of The Glass Menagerie, directed by Kathi E.B. Ellis, is produced in partnership with the Louisville Visual Art Association, in conjunction with their Ne10: Louisville exhibit, part of the National Glass Art Society conference in Louisville. The exhibit gallery will be open prior to each performance of The Glass Menagerie.

In addition to her work with Shoestring Productions Ms. Ellis is a member of 517 Playwrights and the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc., the Kentucky Theatre Association, Lincoln Center and Chicago Directors' Labs and is an Associate Member, Stage Directors and Choreographers Society.

For more information about the production go to Tickets are $15; $12 for seniors and students with valid id. For reservations at 502-741-8392 or

Produced by special arrangement with Dramatist’s Play Service.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Next Meeting: June 13th

The next meeting of 517 Playwrights will be Sunday June 13, 2010, from 1:30 - 4:30 at Common Grounds Coffee House. We will meet on the third floor for the purpose of reading new plays by members and dicussing the 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest. If you would like to have a script read please bring one script per character (to a maximum of five copies) so that readers may have their own script.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Please Folks, Follow the Rules

Ok, Folks. Enough is enough! Please follow the rules: if you are a playwright AND a resident of Kentucky you may enter two scripts in this year's contest; if you are NOT a Kentucky resident, you may only enter one script. We have received close to 100 scripts now and between 25 and 30 playwrights have submitted two scripts, but only five of the multiple submission playwrights are Kentuckians. Please read the rules-- posted on May 2, 2010-- and follow them. We all learned in kindergarten to follow the rules, now as adults, we need to do what we learned as five year-olds! Thank you.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Support the artist, not just the arts

Leon H. Kalayjian, who writes plays under the name Leon Kaye, is an owner in the Kalayjian, Oaks & Associates Insurance Agency. They specialize in wholesalers insurance, restaurants, and high end homes insurance. They can write all lines of insurance including; life, and health and are licensed in many states including; NY, NJ, CT, NC, VA, GA, IL, CA, MI, SC and FL.

Leon Kaye's 10-minute play MORE PASTA was produced by the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. as part of the Midway Festival of Plays in October 2009; the plays were produced at the Thoroughbred Community Theatre in Midway, Kentucky.

If you have insurance needs contact Kalayian, Oaks & Associates at 10 New King St., White Plains NY 10604. Leon Kaye may also be contacted by phone at 914-428-3200 or by e-mail at Help the arts, support the artist!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Okay. I thought this would have been obvious, it's in the title of the contest, but we are seeking 10 minute plays. A ten minute play runs 10 minutes, not three, or four, or five minutes. Please submit plays that are 10 pages long, or close to that length (8 or 9 pages, at least). Plays that are too short are not considered for production; Neither are plays that too long-- in excess of 10 pages of dialogue. Common sense is the factor that should be your guide: 11 pages is too long, seven pages is too short.

Use a 12 font sized font such as Courier or Times New Roman and make certain that your play has 10 pages of dialogue. Last year we produced seven scripts: 6 of the 7 scripts were between about 9 minutes 50 seconds and 10 minutes 15 seconds; the seventh script, which ran about 8 minutes, was about 8 1/2 pages long. Please do not submit short scripts, they may be read; they will not be chosen for production.

As a reminder: this is a 10-minute play contest, submit a 10-minute play script.

Friday, May 21, 2010

517: On the Radio!

News about this year's play contest is starting to get around. On Sunday May 30, 2010 Bill McCann, Jr., contest coordinator for the 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest will be on "Key Conversations" on Groovin' 1580AM radio to discuss this year's play contest. Key Conversations, sponsored by Key Newsjournal and Clear Channel Radio, Lexington, KY, airs at 10 am each Sunday morning. For more information about the program you may go to the link Happy listening!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

June Meeting

The June meeting of 517 Playwrights will be Sunday June 13th, from 1:30 to 4:30 pm, at Common Grounds Coffee House, Lexington. Bring scripts if you've got 'em and want 'em read and discussed. Please remember to bring one copy per character (max. 5 copies) to make reading and sharing easier. Keep in mind that our July and August meetings will likely be focused on reading and discussing contest entries so bring your script to the June meeting. See you then.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kentucky Playwrights

Slow off the starting line, Kentucky playwrights are catching up to those from elsewhere who have submitted plays to this year's 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest. Currently a total of 35 plays have been submitted, eight are from Kentuckians. Plays by six Kentuckians have come in from Berea, Georgetown, Lexington and Louisville. This year's contest is intended to put a spotlight on Kentucky playwrights who are allowed to submit two scripts and as many as six of the selected plays will be by Kentuckians. So, if you reside in Kentucky and have written a 10-minute play... submit today.

Rules for this year's contest were posted on this site, on May 2, 2010. If, after reading the rules, you still have questions please send them to

Monday, May 17, 2010

Liability Insurance Needed!

Help! We need to find liability insurance, a $1,000,000 policy, to cover the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. at any venue for this year's festival of new plays. If you are an insurance agent, or if you know an insurance agent who might be able to connect us up with a company that could provide us with the necessary insurance coverage please contact me at I'd like to talk with you. Thanks.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Scripts are Coming in. Have You Submitted Yet?

Since May 2nd more than two dozen playwrights from sixteen states, including Kentucky, and two Canadian provinces have submitted scripts to this year's 10-Minute Play Contest. Among the contestants this year. so far, have been six women and 20 men.

Characters include a juggler, two clowns (in different scripts!) a newscaster, people of Middle Eastern and British extraction, a realtor, housewives and husbands, friends and lovers, and college students. The ages of this diverse group of characters range from 12 to 70+.

Settings include not only the expected living rooms and apartments but also a beach, the front seat of a car, a coffee house, a library, and a "tv writer's room."

What is missing from this diverse mix of characters and locales? Your script with your characters and settings. We are accepting entries through June 30, 2010. Please submit today.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Production Venues Needed

The venue for November 2010's 2nd Annual Festival of New Plays is yet to be determined. It is my understanding that last year's venue in Midway is unavailable, so we are looking for other possible theatres in both Lexington and Georgetown, Kentucky. If you have ideas for production venues within 20 miles of Lexington, KY please leave a comment. Thanks.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Entries Coming In

Since May 2nd, the first day we accepted submissions for the 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest, we have received 24 submissions. Included among those received are submissions from Canada (3), California (2), Iowa (2), Missouri, Maryland, and New York. We will stop accepting submissions on June 30th, but it is not too soon to submit.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Next Meeting of 517 Playwrights

The next meeting of 517 Playwrights will be held on Sunday May 16th from 1:30 to 4:30 at Common Grounds Coffee House, High Street in Lexington. In addition to reading and discussing new scripts written by members we will also discuss the proposed mission statement and bylaws for Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. Both current and potential members are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have questions write to and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Len Cuthbert to Direct at London Fringe Festival

Len Cuthbert, whose play Enigmatic Lucidity was performed as part of the Midway Festival of New Plays in October 2009, is now in rehearsals for the London (Ontario) Fringe Festival, that will take place, June 17 - 27, 2010. Len is directing, The Trilogy of Bob and Angelina which is composed of his three short plays, Enigmatic Lucidity,The Maladroit Romeo, and One Year One Day.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2nd Annual 10-Minute Play Contest

The Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. (KPW) announces that it is sponsoring its second annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest. This year’s contest, open to any playwright who wishes to enter, will give a preference to Kentucky playwrights in terms of both submissions and judging: Kentucky playwrights may enter two scripts and up to six of the winning scripts will be selected from among the Kentucky entries. As was the case in 2009 winning entries will again be performed as a festival of new plays; this year the festival will be held in November 2010.

1) Preference this year will be given to Kentucky playwrights and members of the Kentucky Playwrights Workshop and 517 Playwrights. However, we will accept plays from anywhere in the world as long as the plays are written in English.
2) Plays should run no more than 10 minutes, and be no more than 10 pages long.
3) Submissions will be accepted from May 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010, ONLY. Send submissions to
4) All playwrights should write “Contest Submission” on the subject line; Kentucky playwrights should write “Kentucky Contest Submission” in the subject line.
5) Plays may be written on any topic and be either comedies or dramas; no musicals, plays for children, or adaptations, please.
6) Plays should have a single setting, no more than four (4) characters, and simple technical requirements.
7) All Kentucky playwrights may enter up to two (2) scripts in this year’s contest.
8) Playwrights residing outside Kentucky may enter one (1) script in this year’s contest.
9) Up to eight (8) scripts will be selected as winners of the contest and given a full production as part of a new works festival of 10-minute plays during November 2010.
10) A maximum of six (6) winning scripts will be selected from among those entered by Kentucky playwrights; a minimum of two (2) winning scripts will be selected from those submitted by playwrights residing outside Kentucky.
11) For purpose of this contest a Kentucky playwright is a playwright who is a resident of Kentucky as indicated on his/her drivers license or state issued identity card.
12) There is no entry fee for submitting a script.
13) Playwrights will be paid, in lieu of royalties, an amount not to exceed $ 25 for the rights to publically perform his or her play/s for the run of the show, estimated at three performances.
14) Winning playwrights are encouraged to attend one or more performances of their play/s and will be given two (2) complimentary tickets to the performance of his/her choice in addition to the payment listed in #12, above.
15) Playwrights who submit one or more scripts agree to abide by the contest’s rules and agree to its terms and conditions as outlined above.
16) Decisions of the judges shall be final.

Ooops! It was Derby Day Yesterday.

I'm sorry. When I was making plans to post the rules for this year's 2nd Annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest I neglected to keep in mind that May 1st was Derby Day, a holiday that does not allow for work (ie posting contest rules). So yesterday was spent reading morning lines and watching coverage of race day from Churchill Downs and otherwise celebrating the greatest two minutes in sports. Yet again Calvin "Bo-rail" has again slipped a three year-old throughhbred, Super Saver, between rail and fellow competitors to race off with his third victory in four attempts. Only now can I too get back to work.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Second Annual Play Contest

The Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. (KPW) announces that it is sponsoring its second annual 517 Playwrights 10-Minute Play Contest. This year’s contest, will give a preference to Kentucky playwrights in terms of both submissions and judging. As was the case in 2009 winning entries will again be performed as a festival of new plays; this year the festival will be held in November 2010. Exact dates and location of the festival are yet to be determined and will be announced at a later time. Scripts may be submitted between May 1st and June 30th 2010. Contest rules will be posted on the 517 Playwrights blog on May 1, 2010.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

World Premier Opens Tuesday!

The world premier of James Vincent's new play HIGHER EDUCATION opens Tuesday March 23, 2010 for two performances only at the Central Library Theatre on Main Street, Lexington, KY. Perfomances are at 7:30 both nights. Staring in the play are Donna Ison and James K. Brown with featured performers Colleen Glenn, Bill Widener, Michael McIntosh and Bill McCann, Jr.

Both James Vincent and Bill McCann Jr. are members of 517 Playwrights.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Seeking an Underwriter for Play Anthology

Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc. which last year held its first ever play contest and 10-minute play festival is going to bring out an anthology of six of the seven plays produced as part of that festival. The anthology will contain:

Crish Barth's Hill Cattle
Len Cuthbert's Enigmatic Lucidity
Leon Kaye's More Pasta
Kay Rhoads' Last Church of Lost Souls
Thomas Pierces' Almost Connect...
Steven Schutzman's The Weight

We are now at the point where we are seeking a company or individual to help underwrite the cost of publication. For a donation of $1,000 the underwriter will receive:

1) Their name, or the name of their company:
a) on the front cover of the anthology
b) mention in the publication's "Introduction"
c) a 1/2 page advertisement for their company on the back cover of the publication OR
a full page advertisement of their company on the INSIDE BACK COVER of the publication
d) mention in the press release about this publication that: "Publication was made possible in part due to a generous donation by (name of individual or corporation)
e) an article about the company or indvidual on this blog (web site)
f) ability to purchase PRIOR TO PUBLICATION copies of the anthology at $5.00 per copy

2) Knowledge that if the publication is underwritten KPW, Inc. can reduce the RETAIL PRICE of the publication from our current estimated price of $10.95 to $8.95 thereby increasing the likelyhood of more sales of the anthology.

If anyone would like additional information about the anthology or how to become an underwriter of this effort please contact us at

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Synopsis of "In the Goldfish Bowl"

My thanks to Kay Rhoads for providing the following synopsis of her play, In the Goldfish Bowl which opens May 6th at the Venus Theatre in Laurel, MD:

As their futures tick away four women on a Texas Death Unit confront their pasts, their fears and each other, all while under the watchful "electronic eye" of Correctional Supervisor Rowena Way who maintains strict watch over each and every plastic fork. Sometimes comedic and sometimes painfully provocative, In the Goldfish Bowl explores the justice system through inmates Phylis Penn, PhD, Shawna Devine, Sylvia Washington, and Cherry Pie Muldoon. Interspersed, via the prison intercom, are the daily announcements of Lt. Ro.

Will Oprah Winfrey rescue Cherry Pie? Will Shawna Devine get a new trial? Why does Sylvia want to move ahead on the death list? And will Phylis Penn come to terms with who she is and what she ahs done in the short time left, recognize how she has changed.

Rhoads Play to Open in Laurel, MD May 6th

Kay Rhoads' play In the Goldfish Bowl will run at the Venus Theatre, in Laurel, MD May 6th through May 30, 2010. Ms. Rhoads' 10-minute play Last Church of Lost Souls was in the Kentucky Playwrights' Workshop, Inc. Midway Festival of New Plays in the fall of 2009.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Crish Barth's run of good reviews continues

Favorable reviews for Crish Barth's one-act play Reading with Friends, currently part of the Bay Area One Acts Festival, continue to arrive at our email drop. In part the review reads: "Barth's one-act play was a joy to watch as each character's neuroses started to reach the boiling point. The strongest performances came from Derek Fischer and Laura Jane Coles. The play's surprise ending was a gem." The entire 30 line review can be found at:

Barth's 10-minute play Hill Cattle appeared in the Midway Festival of Plays in October 2009.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Member's Play to be Staged

A member of 517 Playwrights, James Vincent, will have his new play HIGHER EDUCATION staged at the Lexington Public Library's Central Library Theatre, 140 E. Main Street, on March 23rd and 24th at seven pm. Admission is free. The play stars Donna Ison and James K. Brown and features WRFL's "Unca" Bill Widener and Colleen Glenn and Michael McIntosh and Bill McCann, Jr.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Leon Kaye Play to Run Through March 12

"The Shakespearecist," a play by Leon Kaye is being presented by Garfield Palouse High School's Gar Pal Players. Mr. Kaye's 10-minute play More Pasta" was presented as part of the Midway Festival of New Plays in October 2009. For more information about "The Shakespearecist" follow the link:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Next Meeting: March 14th

The next meeting of 517 Playwrights will be Sunday March 14th 2010 at Common Grounds Coffee House. The meeting will begin at 1:30 and end about 4:30 pm. Bring a script or two that you would like to hear read aloud; bring at least one script per speaking character. See you there.

For more information about 517 Playwrights please check us out on

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Midway Festival Writer has Success Near Golden Gate Bridge!

Crish Barth's one act play, currently being presented on a rotating basis with other plays that are part of the Ninth Annual Bay One Acts Festival in San Francisco has been favorably reviewed. The review, which is a longer review of all of the plays in the festival says:

“Reading with Friends” by Chris Barth and directed by Paul Cello opens the program’s second half. A wry rumination on the nature of friendship, art and trust, it builds to a dramatic climax as secret alliances are revealed, and it ends with a surprise bang. Especially recommended to those involved in writing for the theatre."

To read the review in context, as well as reviews of the other plays that are part of the Bay Area One Acts Festival, follow the link below:

Friday, February 19, 2010

A reminder

The next meeting of 517 Playwrights is Sunday February 21, 2010 at Common Grounds on High Street in Lexington, KY. We will be starting a little earlier than ususal: 1:30 pm. Please join us to read some plays and discuss some business.

Crish Barth Play at Three Wise Monkeys

Crish Barth's one act play, Reading With Friends, is being presented at San Fransisco's Three Wise Monkeys as part of that theatre's 2010 Bay One Acts Festival, February 18th through March 13th, 2010. For more information visit:

Mr. Barth's play Reading with Friends is about a group of friends who have gathered in Barry's apartment to read the parts of his new play outloud. Only thing missing? Barry and the play.

Crish Barth's play Hill Cattle was produced as part of Kentucky Playwrights Workshop, Inc's new play festival of 10-minute plays in Midway, Kentucky in October 2010.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Submissions: Wordsmyth Theatre

Wordsmyth Theater New Play Reading SeriesDate: 3/31/2010 (received by)Material: One Act or Two Act PlaysWordsmyth Theater is accepting plays for a New Play Reading Series in the fall. The plays will be read in September, October and November of 2010. Each month, a selected playwright will be paired with a director and cast. The play will then be read in front of an audience. The audience will then be invited to stay after for a discussion of the play moderated by a professor of dramaturgy from University of Houston.Submissions Must Meet the Following Criteria:1. Play must not have been produced.2. Play must not have had a public reading in the Houston area.3. Submission must be received on or before March 31, 2010.4. Submission must be a minimum of 40 pages long and have aminimum run time of 40 minutes.5. Submission must be in .doc, .pdf, or .rtf.6. Only one play per playwright per submission period.Submission Process:Please submit a script with no playwright identifiers plus a title page with only the title in one file, plus contact info in the body of the email or on another title page in another file.For email submissions: submissions@ wordsmyththeater .orgFor regular mail: Although electronic copies are strongly preferred to hard copies, we do accept submissions through the regular mail. Please send an email requesting an address and criteria.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What we're up to...

There hasn't been much on the 517 Playwright's blog since December 2009, but it's for lack of effort. Right now, we are working to finalize: 1) the details for this year's play contest; 2) the details for the 2010 new plays festival, and ; 3) the publication of an anthology of the plays produced last year in Midway. I'm not sure when all of this and more will be arranged, but probably by late February, early March, most of the details will be finalized and announced on this blog, by Tweets, and on our Meetup site. So please keep checking in... news is on its way. Thanks so much.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meetings will be held at Common Grounds Coffee House

Future meetings of 517 Playwrights will be held at Common Grounds Coffee House on High Street in Lexington. I tried putting this on the Meetup notice board of the group but somehow it didn't get posted and I have yet to figure out what I did wrong. In any event Common Grounds will be our regular meeting place begining with the February meeting. See you there!

We are now on MeetUp

517 Playwrights is now a member organization on MeetUp. There are meetups across the US and around the world for every sort of interest one can imagine including board gamers, singles, hikers and tah dah... drum roll please... playwrights. Information about our meetings and events will now be posted on MeetUp. You can get there by typing in the "MeetUp" into Google (etc.) and then typing in playwrights and the zip code for the location of the meeting (40507) or simply 517 Playwrights. You can RSVP to meetings or events, you can learn more about the organization-- you can see a picture of Bill McCann as Charlie Martin in On Golden Pond-- and you can learn about our members. Please sign up (it doesn't cost you anything!) and help our membership grow.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just Reminder: Meeting January 10, 2010

The first meeting of 517 Playwrights of 2010 will be this coming SUNDAY January 10th from 2 to 5 pm at COMMON GROUNDS COFFEE HOUSE on High Street in Lexington, KY. We will be meeting in the YELLOW room on the second floor. Please join us as we read new scripts and plan for the future of our organization as 517 Playwrights enters its SECOND YEAR!

Hope you all had a happy New Year. Join us now in making this a happy new year for the 517 Playwrights.